eXp Sexual Assault Lawsuit Investigation

Written By:
Jessie Paluch
Jessie Paluch

Attorney Jessie Paluch, founder of TruLaw, has over 25 years of experience as a personal injury and mass tort attorney, and previously worked as an international tax attorney at Deloitte. Jessie collaborates with attorneys nationwide — enabling her to share reliable, up-to-date legal information with our readers.

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[July 2024 Update] eXp Sexual Assault Lawsuit Investigation & Overview

On this page, we’ll discuss the eXp Sexual Assault Lawsuit, reports that two (2) male agents drugged and sexually assaulted female co-workers, currently ongoing sexual assault lawsuits filed against eXp Realty, and much more.

eXp Lawsuit Accuses eXp Agents of Sexual Assault

Sexual assault lawsuits filed against the real estate firm eXp Realty claim that company higher-ups, specifically Michael Bjorkman and David Golden, drugged and sexually assaulted multiple women during eXp Realty recruiting events.

eXp Realty is a real estate brokerage with nearly 90,000 agents who are paid on a “revenue sharing” structure, where agents are recruited by other agents and share earnings.

eXp Sexual Assault Lawsuit Investigation Updates and Overview; eXp Sexual Assault Lawsuit Updates; eXp Realty Sexual Assault Lawsuit Updates; eXp Realty Lawsuit Updates

According to lawsuits filed against eXp and the two agents on the real estate agents behalf, the payment structure meant that the agents accused of sexually assault continued to receive payments from their victims.

Regardless of the type of business, companies must provide their employees a safe and inclusive environment, preventing and punishing sexual assault and any other form of sexual misconduct.

Reports have shown that eXp Realty may have failed in addressing and preventing sexual assault, putting employees at risk.

If you were a victim of sexual assault by an eXp employee, you may be eligible to file a lawsuit.

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eXp Sexual Assault Lawsuits Overview

As of December 2023, two lawsuits have been filed against eXp Realty and its parent company (eXp World Holdings), eXp Realty’s CEO, and two eXp agents.

The complaint alleges that two eXp agents, Michael Bjorkman and David Golden, drugged and sexually assaulted female co-workers.

In an investigative report from the New York Times, a “yearslong pattern of predatory behavior” was exhibited by at least two former eXp agents.

Despite complaints, eXp reportedly ignored these allegations for years.

Sexual Assault Lawsuits Filed Against eXp Realty

eXp Realty and company higher-ups have been named in multiple sexual assault lawsuits, which claim that some of its male agents engaged in predatory behavior towards female colleagues and clients.

The lawsuits against eXp Realty highlight systemic issues within the company, accusing it of failing to adequately address and prevent instances of sexual misconduct, thereby exposing its agents and clients to potential harm.

February 2023 Lawsuit Filed Against eXp

The first lawsuit, filed in February 2023, accuses Bjorkman and Golden of drugging and sexually assaulting women at real estate industry events.

The plaintiffs allege that these agents used their influence in the real estate industry to coerce women into sexual acts, violating the federal sex trafficking statute.

According to the lawsuit, the two former eXp agents would:

“…entice women to travel in interstate commerce, recruit enthusiastic real estate agents with the promise of career advancement and coaching, and use their considerable influence in the real estate industry on these other real estate agents behalf, knowing that they would use means of force, fraud or coercion to cause these women to engage in a sex act.”

The lawsuit highlights eXp’s Revenue Share program, where agents earn a share of commissions generated by their recruits, pointing out that Bjorkman and Golden were in the “upline” of the plaintiffs.

In March 2023, an amended complaint added eXp Realty CEO Glenn Sanford as a defendant in this lawsuit, accused of knowing about the actions of Bjorkman and Golden and failing to intervene.

December 2023 Lawsuit Filed Against eXp

Despite Sanford’s claim that the issue is resolved, a second lawsuit was filed in December 2023, alleging similar experiences of being drugged and assaulted by Golden and Bjorkman.

The second lawsuit references the criminal history of Michael Bjorkman, who was arrested in Miami-Dade County in March 2021 on two counts of sexual assault perpetrated on one of the victims involved in the civil lawsuit:

“On March 8, 2021, DEFENDANT BJORKMAN was arrested in Miami-Dade County for two (2) counts of sexual assault of JANE DOE 3.

In conjunction with that arrest, the Las Vegas Police Department issued a Declaration of Warrant/Summons, Event Number 200900070704 (“Warrant”), a 27-page report, which lays out its in-depth criminal investigation describing multiple occasions of multiple women being drugged and assaulted by DEFENDANT BJORKMAN while attending eXp REALTY Recruiting Events.

As described in the Warrant, there is a long history of multiple women accusing DEFENDANT BJORKMAN of both drugging and sexually assaulting women dating back to 2000.”

Bjorkman and Golden no longer work for eXp Realty, being removed in 2020 and 2023 respectively.

Sexual assault lawsuits filed against eXp Realty are in the United States District Court for the Central District of California.

If other sexual assault allegations arise against eXp Realty, they will also likely be filed in California Federal Court.

Sexual Assault, Misconduct, and Harassment in the Real Estate Industry: A Pervasive Issue

The legal pressure on eXp Realty and eXp World Holdings is unfortunately part of a wider issue in the real estate industry.

Female real estate agents, who constitute the majority of professionals in the industry, face significant risks, including sexual harassment and physical violence.

Despite forming the larger portion of the real estate workforce, female agents often navigate an industry with minimal protections, leaving them vulnerable to predatory behavior from clients and other parties in isolated settings.

Over the years, numerous large real estate companies, investment firms, and associations have faced sexual assault allegations.

Another recent example of sexual assault in the real estate industry includes the National Association of Realtors, whose President , Kenny Parcell, resigned in August 2023 amid complaints of sexual harassment and assault from current and former employees.

The troubling reality for female real estate agents extends beyond safety concerns, as they also grapple with significant financial disparities — in a profession where they form the majority, real estate brokers face the largest gender pay gap, with men earning 60% more than women, highlighting both safety and economic inequalities in the industry.

TruLaw: Investigating eXp Sexual Assault Claims

At least two male agents from eXp are named in sexual assault lawsuits filed against the company.

Potentially other real estate agents, recruiters, and affiliates may be liable for sexual assault.

If you have been a victim of sexual assault from an eXp agent, you may be eligible to file a civil lawsuit against those responsible.

Contact TruLaw for a free consultation.

Use the chatbot on this page for a free and confidential case evaluation to find out if you qualify instantly.

Sexual assault is a horrible crime that necessitates legal consequences for all responsible parties.

Civil lawsuits exist as a means for those who have been victims of sexual assault to seek compensation against the parties that enabled and/or committed sexual assault.

Reach out to our firm with any questions you may have. All conversations are completely confidential.

We’re here to help you.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the eXp Realty Controversy?

    Two (2) former eXp agents, along with the company’s CEO, have been named in sexual assault lawsuits filed in California federal court.

    The eXp sexual assault lawsuit claims that Michael Bjorkman and David Golden drugged and sexually assaulted multiple women during their employment.

  • Who is Named in the eXp Sexual Assault Lawsuit?

    Parties named in the eXp Sexual Assault Lawsuits filed in 2023 include:

    • The two (2) eXp agents accused of sexual assault — Michael Bjorkman and David Golden;
    • eXp Realty CEO Glenn Sanford; and
    • eXp Realty — the company itself

  • What is eXp Realty?

    Presenting itself as one of the fastest-growing real estate brokerage firms in the world, operating on a “cloud-based platform”, eXp Realty is operated by nearly 90,000 independent real estate agents according to the company.

    The company was founded by Glenn Sanford in 2009

    eXp World Holdings, Inc. is the holding company for eXp Realty, Vibrela and SUCCESS Enterprises LLC.

  • How Many eXp Employees Have Filed Lawsuits?

    Currently, two (2) lawsuits have been filed that claim two marquee agents previously employed by eXp Realty sexually assaulted multiple women.

    A New York Times investigation revealed and related the stories of four women who also were sexually assaulted by those working as eXp agents or affiliates.

    In response to the lawsuits filed against the two agents, CEO and company, eXp Realty said that the company had a zero-tolerance policy for sexual assault and misconduct.

    The pending litigation is filed in the United State District Court for the Central District of California.

  • Can I File a Lawsuit If I Was Sexually Assaulted as an eXp Real Estate Agent?

    If you were a victim of sexual assault from an eXp agent or eXp affiliate while working for the company, you may be eligible to take action.

    Contact our firm today for a free consultation.

    Use the confidential chatbot on this page for an instant case evaluation.

    Due to the considerable influence these high-earning real estate agents had in the company, individuals who have been assaulted may have kept quiet in fear of retaliation.

    Sexual assault is a terrible crime that deserves the furthest extent of legal consequences for all responsible parties, and we’re here to help you seek justice.

    Reach out to us today for a free, no-obligation and completely confidential consultation.

Written By:
Jessie Paluch
Jessie Paluch

Experienced Attorney & Legal SaaS CEO

With over 25 years of legal experience, Jessie is an Illinois lawyer, a CPA, and a mother of three.  She spent the first decade of her career working as an international tax attorney at Deloitte.

In 2009, Jessie co-founded her own law firm with her husband – which has scaled to over 30 employees since its conception.

In 2016, Jessie founded TruLaw, which allows her to collaborate with attorneys and legal experts across the United States on a daily basis. This hypervaluable network of experts is what enables her to share reliable legal information with her readers!

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