Suboxone Settlement Amounts: Average Payout Per Person

Written By:
Jessie Paluch
Jessie Paluch

Attorney Jessie Paluch, founder of TruLaw, has over 25 years of experience as a personal injury and mass tort attorney, and previously worked as an international tax attorney at Deloitte. Jessie collaborates with attorneys nationwide — enabling her to share reliable, up-to-date legal information with our readers.

This article has been written and reviewed for legal accuracy and clarity by the team of writers and legal experts at TruLaw and is as accurate as possible. This content should not be taken as legal advice from an attorney. If you would like to learn more about our owner and experienced injury lawyer, Jessie Paluch, you can do so here.

TruLaw does everything possible to make sure the information in this article is up to date and accurate. If you need specific legal advice about your case, contact us by using the chat on the bottom of this page. This article should not be taken as advice from an attorney.

Key takeaways:

  • The Suboxone tooth decay multidistrict litigation has seen significant developments in 2024, with court schedules tightening filing deadlines, mandating disclosures, and setting expert witness testimonies to streamline the lawsuit's progress.
  • Hundreds of cases have been consolidated under the Suboxone MDL, with plaintiffs seeking compensation for severe tooth decay risks and inadequate warnings, while discussions of class-action status have gained traction.
  • Individuals who have suffered dental issues due to Suboxone use may qualify for settlements ranging from $50,000 to $150,000 by meeting eligibility criteria and filing a claim with the assistance of experienced Suboxone lawyers.

Overview of Suboxone Settlement Amounts

On this page, we’ll discuss Suboxone settlement amounts and payouts, factors that may impact Suboxone settlement amounts, how to maximize Suboxone lawsuit compensation for damages, and much more.

Suboxone Settlement Amounts Average Payout Per Person

Intro to Suboxone Settlement Amounts

The specific settlement amounts can vary based on several factors, including:

  • Severity of Dental Damage: The extent and severity of the dental issues experienced, such as tooth decay, gum disease, or oral infections, can impact the settlement amount.
  • Duration of Suboxone Use: The length of time an individual used Suboxone sublingual films may influence the settlement amount, as prolonged exposure can increase the risk of dental problems.
  • Medical Expenses Incurred: Settlement amounts may consider the costs of dental treatments, procedures, and ongoing care required to address Suboxone-related dental issues.
  • Pain and Suffering: The physical pain, emotional distress, and impact on quality of life resulting from Suboxone-induced dental problems may be considered in determining settlement amounts.

If you have experienced dental issues after using Suboxone sublingual films, understanding the factors that influence settlement amounts can help you seek fair compensation.

Contact TruLaw using the chat on this page for a free consultation to discuss your potential Suboxone settlement amount.

Table of Contents

Latest Updates on the Suboxone Tooth Decay Lawsuit in 2024

The year 2024 has seen pivotal steps in the multidistrict litigation concerning Suboxone tooth decay.

Latest Updates on the Suboxone Tooth Decay Lawsuit in 2024

Victims seeking justice in federal lawsuits have observed important developments regarding procedural schedules and increased case numbers.

2024 Updates on MDL Court Scheduling and Requirements

The United States District Court has issued a new schedule for the ongoing multidistrict litigation related to Suboxone.

Key updates include:

  • Filing deadlines tightened, streamlining the lawsuit progress.
  • The court mandated specific disclosures concerning patient records to substantiate claims who suffer severe tooth decay caused by Suboxone, an opioid addiction treatment.
  • Expert witness testimonies are scheduled for late summer, with both sides presenting their medical and scientific findings.
  • Protocols for evidence preservation have been reinforced, ensuring data integrity throughout the legal proceedings.

April 2024 Updates on Rapid Growth of Suboxone MDL Cases

April’s proceedings in the federal Suboxone lawsuits highlighted a surge in cases.

This surge is attributed to increased awareness and outreach to affected individuals.

Important metrics include:

  • Cases consolidated under the MDL surpassed a milestone, with hundreds now seeking compensation for Suboxone-related tooth decay risks.
  • Legal analysts noted a pattern of claims centering on inadequate warnings about tooth decay risk provided to patients.
  • Class-action status discussions gained traction, potentially streamlining the process for plaintiffs with similar injury claims.
  • The MDL’s Pretrial Order No. 35 established clearer directives for submitting evidence, aiding plaintiffs and defendants alike in meeting court expectations.

Throughout this year, the developments in the Suboxone tooth decay lawsuit have reflected the court’s emphasis on efficiency and meticulous attention to detail, setting a critical precedent in the litigation process.

Key Issues in the Suboxone Tooth Decay Litigation

The litigation surrounding Suboxone-related dental injuries focuses on pivotal questions of causation and the challenges in attributing specific dental conditions to the drug’s use.

Key Issues in the Suboxone Tooth Decay Litigation

General vs Specific Causation in Proving Suboxone Injuries

General causation refers to whether Suboxone can cause dental injuries as a class of harm.

Recent legal proceedings have scrutinized the connection between Suboxone and various dental issues.

To establish general causation, plaintiffs must demonstrate:

  1. Studies and expert testimony have been integral in establishing whether there is a scientifically valid link between Suboxone and dental conditions.
  2. Plaintiffs allege that taking Suboxone, particularly forms that dissolve in the mouth, has resulted in tooth decay and other dental erosion problems.
  3. Defense arguments often explore alternative explanations for dental injuries, such as poor hygiene or pre-existing conditions.
  4. The legal strategy for plaintiffs involves demonstrating that Suboxone has a propensity to cause harm to one’s dental health.

Challenges in Establishing Specific Causation for Some Cases

Specific causation addresses whether Suboxone caused the dental injuries in an individual plaintiff or within the Suboxone class action lawsuit.

Pinpointing a direct cause can be difficult due to several factors:

  1. Each plaintiff’s dental history is scrutinized to establish a timeline that could link Suboxone use to their severe dental injuries.
  2. Confounding factors, such as previous dental issues or lifestyle habits, complicate the attribution of specific causation.
  3. Legal teams face the challenge of differentiating the effects of Suboxone from other potential causes of tooth decay.
  4. Detailed medical records are crucial for plaintiffs in proving that their dental problems began or worsened with the use of Suboxone.

Statute of Limitations Concerns for Suboxone Settlement Claims

The statute of limitations is critical to suboxone settlement claims, as it determines eligibility for filing a new lawsuit or claim.

Statute of Limitations Concerns for Suboxone Settlement Claims

Each state has specific deadlines that must be followed rigorously.

Importance of Contacting a Lawyer to Determine Eligibility

It is crucial for individuals to quickly consult a lawyer to assess the feasibility of their Suboxone claims.

Legal experts can provide:

  1. Guidance on the appropriate deadlines.
  2. An evaluation of the potential validity of the claim.
  3. Insight into state-specific limitations.
  4. Representation in case the claim proceeds to court.

States Where Suboxone Settlement Claims Are Still Being Accepted

Certain states may have extended their deadlines, allowing more individuals to file Suboxone lawsuits.

They should inquire about:

  • Current status of claims acceptance in their state.
  • Specific deadlines apply to Suboxone settlements.
  • Potential for exceptional cases where deadlines may be extended.
  • Required documentation to support their claim.

Potential Settlement Amounts for Suboxone Tooth Decay Lawsuits

When looking into Suboxone tooth decay lawsuits, it’s important to understand the possible financial outcomes.

Potential Settlement Amounts for Suboxone Tooth Decay Lawsuits

Settlement amounts can vary widely based on individual case details and legal findings.

Estimated Settlement Payouts of $50,000 to $150,000 Per Person

Recently reported settlement figures indicate that individual claimants might expect to receive payouts ranging from $50,000 to $150,000.

This is based on factors unique to their cases, such as the extent of permanent tooth damage and documented proof of Suboxone use leading to tooth decay.

Key Factors Influencing Settlement Amounts:

  • Severity of Tooth Decay: More severe dental issues may result in higher compensation.
  • Legal Representation Quality: Expert legal counsel can potentially negotiate larger settlements.
  • Evidence Strength: Cases with strong links between Suboxone and tooth decay tend to yield greater amounts.
  • Negotiation Willingness of the Defendant: Willingness on both sides to settle can influence the final payout.

Factors That Could Impact Ultimate Suboxone Settlement Amounts

There’s a myriad of factors that can affect ultimate settlement amounts in Suboxone tooth decay cases.

Here’s what could sway the balance:

  • Individual Medical History: Pre-existing dental conditions might reduce the settlement amount.
  • Extent of Suboxone Use: Longer durations of use can be linked with more significant dental damage.
  • Quality of Documentation: Detailed medical records correlating Suboxone to dental issues are critical.
  • Class Action vs. Individual Lawsuits: Claimants in class-action suits may receive different payout structures than those in individual Suboxone teeth lawsuits.

Suboxone's History of Legal Issues and Criminal Charges

Suboxone, a medication widely used to treat opioid addiction, has faced numerous legal challenges over the years.

Suboxone's History of Legal Issues and Criminal Charges

These include accusations of antitrust violations and engaging in illegal marketing tactics to maintain a monopoly on the market.

2016 Antitrust Lawsuit and $102.5 Million Settlement by Indivior

In 2016, a suboxone lawsuit filed accused Indivior, the maker of Suboxone, of antitrust practices.

Federal courts presided over a settlement whereby:

  • Indivior agreed to pay $102.5 million.
  • The Suboxone product liability lawsuit was settled with 41 state attorneys general.
  • Claims centered around the company’s efforts to stifle generic competition.
  • Ohio received approximately $5.9 million as part of the settlement.
  • Other involved states also received compensation to address the public health impact.

For more detailed figures related to the amounts allocated to each state, one can refer to the Ohio Attorney General’s announcement and documents filed in federal courts.

2019 Federal Indictment of Indivior for Illegal Prescription Scheme

In a significant legal development, pharmaceutical company Indivior faced serious legal repercussions for its marketing practices.

The company was accused of orchestrating a fraudulent strategy to promote the use of Suboxone film, a drug used to treat opioid addiction.

Two key points regarding the 2019 developments are as follows:

  • Indivior was indicted in 2019 for its alleged role in a scheme to increase prescription suboxone film illegally.
  • The indictment resulted from a lengthy investigation by the Department of Justice and other federal agencies.

The indictment also presented charges of healthcare fraud, wire fraud, and mail fraud in connection with the marketing and promotion of Suboxone.

It brought to light the serious nature of these allegations and the federal commitment to pursuing legal action in such cases. The case represented a significant action against pharmaceutical practices related to opioid use disorder.

How to Qualify for the Suboxone Settlement and File a Claim

To receive compensation from a Suboxone settlement, individuals must meet specific criteria and follow a structured claim filing process.

How to Qualify for the Suboxone Settlement and File a Claim

These settlements typically address concerns about anti-competitive practices or wrongful marketing related to Suboxone and its use in opioid addiction treatment.

Criteria for Qualifying for the Suboxone Tooth Decay Settlement

Individuals who have suffered dental issues as a direct result of using Suboxone Film may be entitled to compensation.

This settlement aims to address the harm caused by the medication’s side effects on oral health.

Eligibility requirements for the Suboxone Tooth Decay Settlement include:

  • A prescription for Suboxone film was issued within a certain timeframe, often determined by the specifics of the lawsuit.
  • The individual must have experienced tooth decay that can be directly attributable to the use of Suboxone Film, as opposed to other causes.
  • Claimants should not have received reimbursement for all medical costs related to the tooth decay from insurance or another settlement.
  • Proof of purchase or prescription records may be necessary to validate the claim.

Process for Filing a Suboxone Settlement Claim with a Lawyer

If you believe that your dental health has been adversely affected by the use of Suboxone, it’s crucial to understand the legal options available to you.

Taking action can help you secure compensation for your damages and hold responsible parties accountable.

To file a claim with a Suboxone lawyer, one should:

  1. Gather Documentation, which includes medical records, dental records, and prescriptions that can substantiate the claim of tooth decay due to Suboxone.
  2. Consult with Experienced Suboxone Lawyers who specialize in pharmaceutical settlements to discuss the validity of the claim.
  3. If representation is accepted, review and Sign a contingency fee agreement, which outlines the lawyer’s fees, typically a percentage of the settlement amount awarded.
  4. Cooperate with the Attorney throughout the process, providing any additional information or documentation requested to support the case.

It is important for individuals to reach out to lawyers soon after becoming aware of their eligibility, as legal actions often have strict deadlines or statutes of limitations that can affect one’s ability to claim.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How much compensation is expected per individual from the Suboxone lawsuit settlement?

    The specific terms of the settlement and the number of claims filed will determine each individual’s compensation amount from the Suboxone lawsuit settlement.

    The Michigan Attorney General announced a multi-state settlement of $102.5 million with Indivior Inc., but the individual payout will depend on various factors, including state allocation and individual claims.

  • What is the expected timeline for receiving Suboxone settlement payments?

    The timeline for receiving Suboxone settlement payments may differ based on the settlement’s administration process.

    Past settlements have had a claim filing period followed by processing time, where the FTC’s involvement with refund disbursements can serve as a precedent for expected timelines.

  • Are Suboxone settlement disbursements being issued via prepaid cards?

    The method of Suboxone settlement disbursement has not been explicitly detailed; historical case handling may suggest various forms of payment.

    However, claimants should be prepared to receive funds through methods commonly used in similar settlements, which may include checks or direct deposits.

  • Is the application window for the Suboxone claims lawsuit still open?

    Eligibility and the application window for any False Claims Act lawsuit depend on specific case protocols.

    Potential claimants should inquire through the provided settlement information or visit the FTC’s Suboxone page for updates regarding the application status and deadlines.

  • How can one verify the authenticity of a Suboxone settlement fund check?

    Verification of a Suboxone settlement fund check can typically be done by contacting the appointed claims administrator or by referencing official settlement resources for guidance on recognizing legitimate settlement communications and checks.

    How can I file a claim if my physician prescribed Suboxone film for me?

    If your physician prescribed Suboxone film for you and you believe you’ve experienced tooth decay, you may be eligible to file a claim in the Suboxone tooth decay settlement.

    To begin the process, gather all relevant documentation, including medical records, dental records, and proof of prescription.

    Consult with our experienced Suboxone lawyers, who specialize in pharmaceutical settlements, to discuss the validity of your claim.

Written By:
Jessie Paluch
Jessie Paluch

Experienced Attorney & Legal SaaS CEO

With over 25 years of legal experience, Jessie is an Illinois lawyer, a CPA, and a mother of three.  She spent the first decade of her career working as an international tax attorney at Deloitte.

In 2009, Jessie co-founded her own law firm with her husband – which has scaled to over 30 employees since its conception.

In 2016, Jessie founded TruLaw, which allows her to collaborate with attorneys and legal experts across the United States on a daily basis. This hypervaluable network of experts is what enables her to share reliable legal information with her readers!

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