FAQ: Can I Still Apply for the Suboxone Lawsuit?

Written By:
Jessie Paluch
Jessie Paluch

Attorney Jessie Paluch, founder of TruLaw, has over 25 years of experience as a personal injury and mass tort attorney, and previously worked as an international tax attorney at Deloitte. Jessie collaborates with attorneys nationwide — enabling her to share reliable, up-to-date legal information with our readers.

This article has been written and reviewed for legal accuracy and clarity by the team of writers and legal experts at TruLaw and is as accurate as possible. This content should not be taken as legal advice from an attorney. If you would like to learn more about our owner and experienced injury lawyer, Jessie Paluch, you can do so here.

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FAQ: Can I Still Apply for the Suboxone Lawsuit?

Question: Can I still apply for the Suboxone lawsuit?

Answer: Yes, the U.S. Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation is considering the consolidation of Suboxone tooth decay claims in the Northern District of Ohio where a number of cases are currently filed.

On this page, we’ll discuss this question in further depth, an overview of allegations made against Indivior, who qualifies to file a Suboxone Lawsuit, and much more.

Can I Still Apply for the Suboxone Lawsuit

Intro To The Suboxone Lawsuit

The decision from the JPML is expected in the coming weeks as they determine whether to consolidate the dental claims into a single multidistrict litigation.

Recent developments of the ongoing Suboxone lawsuit include:

  • The Suboxone lawsuit claims that the drug can cause dental problems.
  • No court-approved settlements or scheduled trials for Suboxone cases have been reached.
  • Potential consolidation into a multi-district litigation to streamline the legal process.

If you or are loved one has experienced dental issues after being prescribed Suboxone sublingual film, you may qualify to seek compensation.

Use the chat on this page for an instant case evaluation to find out if you qualify to join others filing Suboxone Dental Lawsuits.

Table of Contents

Overview of Suboxone Lawsuits

The landscape of Suboxone-related lawsuits has seen significant developments in recent times, particularly concerning the issue of tooth decay and other serious dental problems.

These lawsuits have targeted the manufacturers of Suboxone, a branded drug widely prescribed in opioid addiction treatment, for failing to adequately warn patients and medical providers about the potential risks associated with its use.

Emergence of Suboxone Teeth Lawsuits

Suboxone teeth lawsuits have become increasingly prominent, driven by numerous patients reporting severe oral infections, tooth enamel damage, and other dental injuries after using prescription Suboxone film or tablets.

These litigations are not just confined to individual claims but have also seen the rise of Suboxone class action lawsuits, where groups of affected individuals have unified their legal efforts.

Claims in Suboxone Tooth Decay Litigation

At the heart of the suboxone tooth decay litigation is the allegation that drug manufacturers failed to disclose the risk of permanent tooth decay, gum injuries, and other severe dental problems that could arise from taking Suboxone.

Plaintiffs argue that both generic Suboxone and the branded version, including suboxone sublingual strips and tablets, can cause deteriorating dental health, leading to extensive tooth extractions and other dental treatments.

The Scope of Product Liability and Monopoly Claims

These lawsuits extend beyond mere product liability; they encompass broader allegations including the final Suboxone monopoly lawsuits.

In these cases, plaintiffs accuse the drug manufacturer of engaging in antitrust litigation practices, alleging that they monopolized the market for buprenorphine medications dissolved, a key component in treating opioid dependence.

Qualifying for a Suboxone Lawsuit

The Suboxone lawsuits claim that the manufacturers of Suboxone, including the branded drug and generic versions like sublingual buprenorphine or Suboxone film, failed to warn medical providers and patients about the risk of dental health issues, potentially leading to criminal and civil liability.

Criteria for Filing a Suboxone Tooth Decay Lawsuit

The eligibility to participate in the Suboxone lawsuits will depend upon a variety of factors including, but not limited to:

  • Identifying Harm from Suboxone: The key eligibility criterion for filing a Suboxone lawsuit involves proving harm directly caused by the drug. Many people filing Suboxone lawsuits have experienced significant dental problems, such as tooth decay and fractures, attributed to using Suboxone tablets.
  • Suboxone Tooth Decay Lawsuits and Claims: Suboxone tooth decay lawsuits and claims often focus on the alleged failure of the drug manufacturer to warn patients about the potential for tooth damage. If you have suffered dental issues while on Suboxone, you might qualify for these specific lawsuits.
  • Involvement in a Suboxone Class Action Lawsuit: A suboxone class action lawsuit typically involves a group of people who have suffered similar harm from the drug. Joining a class action can be an efficient way to seek compensation without going through individual litigation.

If you’ve experienced any of these dental conditions after being prescribed Suboxone, contact TruLaw using the chat on this page.

Contacting a Suboxone Lawyer

When considering filing a Suboxone lawsuit, it’s crucial to work with lawyers who specialize in this field.

Suboxone lawsuit lawyers and attorneys have the expertise and experience in handling cases related to prescription drug side effects and can guide you through the complex legal process.

Suboxone tooth decay lawyers will help you understand your rights and the strength of your case.

They can also assist in gathering necessary medical records and expert opinions to support your claim.

It’s important to choose a lawyer who has a track record of handling Suboxone cases or similar pharmaceutical lawsuits.

Preparing for the Suboxone Litigation

Your attorney will guide you through the steps to file a Suboxone lawsuit.

This includes gathering evidence of your medical condition, documenting your use of Suboxone, and any correspondence with healthcare providers regarding your symptoms and side effects.

They will also explain the patient medication guide and how it relates to your case.

Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation

In some cases, your lawsuit may be part of a larger multidistrict litigation process.

This panel on multidistrict litigation consolidates similar cases to streamline the legal process.

Your lawyer will explain how this affects your case and what you can expect in terms of proceedings and potential settlement.

Exploring the Settlement Process

If your case settles, your lawyer will negotiate on your behalf to ensure you receive fair compensation for your injuries and suffering.

The settlement in Suboxone product liability lawsuits typically covers medical expenses, pain and suffering, and other damages incurred due to the drug’s side effects.

Considering the Timeline

It’s important to act promptly when considering a lawsuit, as there are time limits, known as statutes of limitations, for filing such claims.

Your lawyer will inform you about these deadlines and help ensure your case is filed timely.

What to Expect in 2024 for Suboxone Lawsuits

In recent years, these lawsuits have primarily focused on its safety, marketing practices, and the role of manufacturers.

As we move through 2024, it’s crucial to understand the latest trends and expectations.

Suboxone and Its Legal Controversies

Suboxone combines buprenorphine and naloxone.

It’s designed to reduce opioid cravings and withdrawal symptoms.

However, its addictive potential has raised concerns.

Moreover, allegations of false claims and monopolistic practices by its maker, Indivior, have further complicated matters.

Key Issues in Suboxone Lawsuits

  1. Addiction and Side Effects: Plaintiffs argue that Suboxone is addictive, leading to dependency and harmful side effects.
  2. Marketing Misconduct: Allegations include deceptive marketing tactics, overstating benefits, and understating risks.
  3. Monopolistic Practices: Lawsuits claim that Indivior attempted to monopolize the market by hindering generic alternatives.

Trends in 2024 Suboxone Lawsuits

The year 2024 sees several developments:

  1. Increase in Individual Lawsuits: More individuals affected by Suboxone are coming forward. These cases focus on addiction, side effects, and lack of proper warnings.
  2. Class Action Suits: There is a rise in class action lawsuits, where groups of plaintiffs seek compensation.
  3. Legal Actions Against Manufacturers: Governments and organizations are suing Indivior for alleged unethical practices.

Settlements and Legal Decisions

Several lawsuits have resulted in settlements, with Indivior and other involved parties paying significant amounts.

However, many cases are still pending in 2024, and new rulings are expected.

The Effects of Suboxone

Suboxone has a significant impact on those it’s prescribed to.

Understanding how it’s administered, its effects on the brain, and potential side effects, including suboxone tooth decay claims, is crucial for both patients and healthcare providers.

Administration of Suboxone

Suboxone is usually prescribed as part of a comprehensive treatment plan, which includes counseling and psychological support.

The medication comes in the form of a suboxone tablet or film, designed to be dissolved under the tongue or inside the cheek.

This method ensures that the active ingredients are absorbed directly into the bloodstream.

When prescribing Suboxone, healthcare professionals take into account the individual’s medical history, the severity of their opioid dependence, and other factors.

Patients need to follow the prescribed dosage and usage instructions carefully to maximize the treatment’s effectiveness and minimize risks.

Suboxone Effects on the Brain

Suboxone works by targeting the brain’s opioid receptors, the same receptors affected by opioids like heroin and prescription painkillers.

The drug contains two key ingredients: buprenorphine and naloxone.

Buprenorphine is a partial opioid agonist, which means it activates the opioid receptors in the brain but produces a much milder effect compared to full agonists like heroin.

This action helps to reduce cravings and withdrawal symptoms without producing the same high.

Naloxone, on the other hand, is an opioid antagonist.

It’s included in Suboxone to prevent misuse of the medication.

If Suboxone is injected, naloxone will block the effects of buprenorphine, thus deterring individuals from abusing the drug.

By balancing these two components, Suboxone helps individuals struggling with opioid addiction to manage their cravings and withdrawal symptoms more effectively, aiding their recovery journey amidst the ongoing opioid crisis.

Side Effects of Suboxone

While Suboxone plays a crucial role in opioid addiction treatment, it’s not without its side effects.

Some common side effects include nausea, vomiting, headache, sweating, and constipation.

However, one notable concern that has emerged is the potential link between Suboxone and dental health issues, particularly tooth decay.

Suboxone Tooth Decay Claims

Several suboxone tooth decay claims have arisen, with patients reporting significant dental problems after using the medication.

Buprenorphine medicines dissolved in the mouth can potentially impact saliva production or pH levels in the mouth, creating an environment that may promote tooth decay.

These claims have led to legal actions, with suboxone lawsuit attorneys representing clients who have suffered from severe dental problems allegedly linked to the use of Suboxone.

While not every patient will experience these dental issues, it’s an area of concern that healthcare providers and patients should be aware of.

Evidence Linking Suboxone to Tooth Decay

Suboxone, a branded drug, is often used in the treatment of opioid use disorder.

However, recent studies have indicated a potential link between Suboxone use and an increased risk of tooth decay and other dental problems.

Studies Connecting Suboxone to Tooth Decay

A study published in JAMA in December 2022 investigated the association between the use of sublingual buprenorphine-naloxone (Suboxone) and dental disease.

This research, conducted by a team from the University of British Columbia and the University of Michigan, analyzed patient data from the PharMetrics database.

The findings revealed a notable increase in dental adverse events, including dental caries and tooth loss, among users of sublingual buprenorphine-naloxone compared to those using other forms of buprenorphine or naltrexone.

Another study highlighted in a 2023 survey from Current Drug Safety examined oral buprenorphine incident reports from 2015 to 2021.

It found a disproportionate reporting of dental disorders among users of sublingual, buccal, and oral buprenorphine.

This reinforced earlier findings about the potential risks associated with this method of administering the drug.

FDA’s response to Suboxone tooth decay

In response to these concerns, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a warning in January 2022 about the risk of dental problems, including tooth decay, cavities, dental abscesses/infection, tooth erosion, and in some cases, total tooth loss, associated with buprenorphine medicines dissolved in the mouth.

This warning was specifically directed at medications used to treat opioid use disorder and pain.

Despite these risks, the FDA emphasized that the benefits of buprenorphine medicines for treating these conditions outweigh the risks.

Additionally, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) released a statement in response to the FDA’s drug safety alert.

This statement reiterated the importance of buprenorphine in treating opioid use disorder while acknowledging the potential risk for tooth decay associated with its use.

To mitigate these risks, the FDA advises that after the buprenorphine medicine is completely dissolved in the mouth, patients should take a large sip of water, swish it gently around their teeth and gums, and swallow.

They should wait at least one hour before brushing their teeth after using the product to avoid damage to the teeth.

Regular dental checkups and close monitoring by a dentist are also recommended.

Statute of Limitations for Suboxone Dental Decay Lawsuit

When considering a lawsuit for dental decay caused by Suboxone, it’s crucial to understand the statute of limitations.

This is the time frame within which you must file a lawsuit.

It varies by state but typically ranges from one to six years.

It’s important to act quickly.

Once this period expires, you may lose your right to seek legal recourse.

In such cases, the clock often starts ticking from the date you first noticed the dental decay.

This is known as the “discovery rule.”

It’s particularly relevant in Suboxone cases, where the connection between the drug and dental issues may not be immediately obvious.

Why is this important? Suboxone, used in opioid addiction treatment, has been linked to dental decay.

Some patients may not realize this connection until significant damage occurs.

Knowing when your statute of limitations begins is key to protecting your rights.

If you believe Suboxone has harmed your dental health, consult a lawyer immediately.

They can help you understand your state’s specific statute of limitations.

They’ll also guide you through the process, ensuring you file your lawsuit in time.

Remember, each case is unique. The specifics of your situation, such as when you started taking Suboxone and when you first noticed dental issues, play a big role.

A legal expert can provide tailored advice based on these details.

Seeking Compensation For Suboxone Tooth Decay

Suboxone, a medication commonly used for opioid addiction treatment, has been linked in some cases to dental issues, including tooth decay.

Individuals who have experienced such side effects may consider legal action to seek compensation.

The potential payouts and the impact of medical records on the lawsuit’s outcome are crucial aspects to understand.

Potential Payouts Per Person

The amount of compensation in a lawsuit involving Suboxone-related tooth decay varies significantly based on several factors.

These include the severity of the dental issues, the cost of medical treatment required (such as dental surgeries, implants, or dentures), pain and suffering, and any loss of income due to the dental issues.

In similar pharmaceutical lawsuits, settlements have ranged from nominal amounts for minor issues to significant sums for severe cases involving extensive medical intervention.

Historical precedents in pharmaceutical litigation suggest that payouts are often determined on a case-by-case basis.

Class action lawsuits might offer a settlement that is divided among the participants, while individual lawsuits could result in higher or lower compensation depending on the specific circumstances.

Impact of Medical Records on the Lawsuit

Medical records play a pivotal role in the outcome of a lawsuit concerning drug-related side effects.

These records serve as crucial evidence, demonstrating the link between Suboxone use and dental decay.

To establish a strong case, the plaintiff’s medical records should ideally show:

  1. A clear history of Suboxone prescription and usage.
  2. Dental records indicate good oral health before Suboxone use and subsequent deterioration.
  3. Expert testimony from a dentist or a medical expert correlating the use of the branded drug suboxone with the dental issues experienced.

The more direct the correlation shown in the medical records, the stronger the case.

Additionally, records showing consistent follow-ups and treatments for dental issues can substantiate the claim of ongoing suffering and financial burden due to the medication.

The #1 Suboxone Lawyer: TruLaw

TruLaw is a leader in handling Suboxone tooth decay lawsuits, offering unmatched expertise in personal injury claims.

Our extensive network of legal professionals excels in pharmaceutical litigations such as the ongoing Suboxone lawsuit.

If you or a loved one suffered severe tooth decay, worsening dental health, or dental injuries after taking Suboxone, you may be eligible to file a Suboxone Tooth Decay Lawsuit.

Use the chatbot on this page for a free and instant case evaluation to find out if you qualify to join others filing Suboxone Product Liability Lawsuits.

Written By:
Jessie Paluch
Jessie Paluch

Experienced Attorney & Legal SaaS CEO

With over 25 years of legal experience, Jessie is an Illinois lawyer, a CPA, and a mother of three.  She spent the first decade of her career working as an international tax attorney at Deloitte.

In 2009, Jessie co-founded her own law firm with her husband – which has scaled to over 30 employees since its conception.

In 2016, Jessie founded TruLaw, which allows her to collaborate with attorneys and legal experts across the United States on a daily basis. This hypervaluable network of experts is what enables her to share reliable legal information with her readers!

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