Average Suboxone Lawsuit Settlement Amounts

Written By:
Jessie Paluch
Jessie Paluch

Attorney Jessie Paluch, founder of TruLaw, has over 25 years of experience as a personal injury and mass tort attorney, and previously worked as an international tax attorney at Deloitte. Jessie collaborates with attorneys nationwide — enabling her to share reliable, up-to-date legal information with our readers.

This article has been written and reviewed for legal accuracy and clarity by the team of writers and legal experts at TruLaw and is as accurate as possible. This content should not be taken as legal advice from an attorney. If you would like to learn more about our owner and experienced injury lawyer, Jessie Paluch, you can do so here.

TruLaw does everything possible to make sure the information in this article is up to date and accurate. If you need specific legal advice about your case, contact us by using the chat on the bottom of this page. This article should not be taken as advice from an attorney.

Key takeaways:

  • Suboxone lawsuits are filed against Indivior by people who claim the drug caused serious tooth decay.
  • Settlement amounts depend on the severity of dental damage, costs of treatment, and emotional suffering.
  • The average settlement amount a plaintiff may receive is estimated to range between $50,000 to $150,000 depending on the plaintiff's individual damages, the direction of the litigation itself, court proceedings, and more.
  • Experienced product liability lawyers can help victims get fair compensation in these cases.
  • TruLaw stands out as a legal firm with expertise in Suboxone litigation.

Overview of Average Suboxone Lawsuit Settlement Amounts

On this page, we’ll discuss projected average suboxone lawsuit settlement amounts, serious health conditions associated with Suboxone opioid treatment, who qualifies to file a Suboxone tooth decay lawsuit, and much more.

Average Suboxone Lawsuit Settlement Amounts

Intro to Suboxone Lawsuit Settlements

Indivior (the manufacturer of Suboxone), is facing product liability litigation due to it’s drug causing severe tooth decay and other serious oral health issues in users.

The settlement amounts for the suboxone lawsuits will be determined by evaluating damages such as:

  • Extent of the tooth decay and its impact on the individual’s physical health
  • Cost of dental work required to rectify the issue
  • Effect of the condition on the person’s career and personal life

If you’ve suffered from oral health issues due to Suboxone treatment, you may qualify to file in the Suboxone Teeth Lawsuit.

Contact TruLaw for a free consultation using the chat on this page to receive an instant case evaluation.

Table of Contents

Suboxone and its Potential Side Effects

While Suboxone is prescribed to manage opioid dependence, users must be aware of potential side effects, such as tooth decay and dry mouth—disruptions that have led to significant legal action.

Suboxone Tooth Decay

This medication is taken under the tongue and can lead to dental problems like cavities and tooth loss.

People taking Suboxone have reported severe tooth decay that often leads to expensive dental work, including root canals and crown replacements.

Lawyers are filing tooth decay lawsuits against Suboxone’s maker, Indivior.

These lawsuits claim that patients were not warned about these risks.

If you suffered from tooth decay due to Suboxone, you might be able to file a lawsuit for your dental injuries.

Dental issues from this drug can hurt your health and pocketbook, making legal action an important step for those affected.

Failure to Warn

Drug companies must tell users about any serious side effects.

For Suboxone, some say the maker did not do enough to warn about tooth decay.

This could lead to a Suboxone lawsuit for failure to warn.

Patients trust their medicine will help without causing harm.

If Suboxone led to dental issues and patients were not well-informed of such risks, legal action might be due.

Lawyers argue that proper warnings would have helped users take steps to protect their teeth from decay.

Deceptive Marketing Claims

Some Suboxone users claim that the marketing of the drug misled them.

They say that Indivior, the maker of Suboxone, did not fully disclose the risk of tooth decay from using their product.

These individuals believe the company’s marketing suggested that Suboxone was a safer option for treating opioid use disorder without proper warnings about possible dental side effects.

Many lawsuits are focusing on how Suboxone was presented to doctors and patients.

Some people argue that the promotional materials downplayed or omitted critical information regarding oral health risks associated with sublingual buprenorphine.

As these claims come to light, more individuals seek legal help to file a lawsuit against Indivior for alleged deceptive marketing practices.

Dry Mouth

Dry mouth is a common side effect of Suboxone.

It can lead to serious tooth decay and other dental issues.

If you experience dry mouth after using Suboxone, it’s important to know these symptoms are not trivial.

They could cause lasting harm to your teeth and gums.

Good oral hygiene may reduce the risk of severe damage due to dry mouth from Suboxone.

Yet, even with diligent care, some users still suffer significant dental problems.

Costs for treatment like fillings, root canals, or even implants add up fast and can be included in economic damages in a lawsuit.

Emotional pain from dental troubles caused by this medication falls under non-economic damages you might claim.

Remembering to document all related expenses helps strengthen your case for compensation.

Factors That Determine the Settlement Amount for a Suboxone Lawsuit

Settlement amounts in Suboxone lawsuits are influenced by a range of factors unique to each case.

The extent of harm and related costs play pivotal roles in determining the compensation awarded.

Severity of Tooth Decay

Tooth decay from Suboxone can vary from mild to very severe.

Minor cases might need simple fillings, while serious ones could involve root canals or tooth loss.

If Suboxone causes your teeth to suffer greatly, you may face higher medical bills and more intense treatments.

This affects the payout in a lawsuit.

Your tooth damage will be checked by a dental expert.

They will see how deep the decay goes and what it takes to fix it all.

Treatments like implants or dentures cost a lot and take time to heal.

These issues play a big role in figuring out your settlement size for suboxone tooth decay lawsuits.

Cost of Dental Treatments

Fixing teeth problems from Suboxone can cost a lot.

You might need cavity fillings, oral surgery, or even new teeth like dentures or implants.

These treatments quickly add up to thousands of dollars.

Some patients have paid between $50,000 and $150,000 for all their dental work.

If you sue because Suboxone hurt your teeth, the money you get can help pay for these costs.

Your lawsuit might cover fixing cavities and other serious damage done to your mouth.

Dental visits, surgeries for tooth removal, and putting in fake teeth are expensive treatments that economic damages could help with.

Non-economic Damages

Non-economic damages go beyond the visible costs.

They cover pain, suffering, and emotional distress due to Suboxone-related dental issues.

People suffer not just from tooth decay but also from the stress and embarrassment that come with it.

These damages are a crucial part of your claim.

They recognize that your quality of life may have dropped because of dental problems linked to Suboxone.

A judge or jury can award you money for these personal losses.

You might get compensated for how your daily life has changed after dealing with severe tooth damage or oral infections caused by prescribed Suboxone film or tablets.

It’s important to know that every case is different; what affects one person deeply may impact another less so.

Your attorney will argue for the highest amount based on how much you’ve been hurt emotionally by these dental health issues.

Average Settlement Amounts in Suboxone Litigation

While no settlements have yet been reached in the Suboxone MDL-3092, legal experts project that payout values may reach or exceed as much as $150,000 depending on the individual circumstances of each case.

Although specific settlement amounts have not yet been determined, our analysis of similar product liability cases suggests that Suboxone tooth decay claims may provide compensation to victims covering their dental work, in addition to other common damages such as pain and suffering.

Type of Damages & Average Settlement Amounts

  • Economic Damages: $20,000 – $100,000. includes treatment costs, lost wages, etc.
  • Non-Economic Damages: $30,000 – $50,000, covers pain, suffering, emotional distress, etc.
  • Punitive Damages: Settlements vary depending on the egregiousness of the defendant’s actions
  • Total Average Settlement: $50,000 – $150,000 combines economic and non-economic damages

Suboxone plaintiffs have claimed for dental treatments, reflecting the costs of tooth decay treatments and related medical expenses.

Lost wages also contribute to economic damages, compensating for time away from work.

Non-economic damages recognize the emotional toll and physical pain experienced.

Plaintiffs report suffering from sensitivity, pain, and mental health issues resulting from dental problems caused by Suboxone.

This category also accounts for the impact on an individual’s quality of life.

Punitive damages are less predictable, as they are based on the defendant’s conduct rather than the plaintiff’s loss.

These may be substantial in cases where the court finds that Indivior acted with particular negligence or malice.

The total average settlement combines both economic and non-economic damages.

This figure provides an estimated range for plaintiffs, illustrating the potential compensation for Suboxone-related claims.

It is important to note that each case is unique, with settlements reflecting the specifics of the individual plaintiff’s circumstances.

Factors such as the extent of dental decay, additional health complications, and the strength of evidence against the manufacturer, Indivior, all play a role in determining settlement amounts.

How Suboxone Settlement Amounts Are Calculated

Estimating the value of a potential Suboxone settlement requires a detailed assessment of economic damages, including medical expenses and lost wages, in addition to non-economic damages, such as physical pain and suffering or mental anguish.

Punitive damages may be included in the payout to victims with the intention of punishing the defendant’s conduct and discouraging similar behavior in the future.

Economic Damages

Economic damages are real costs victims pay because of suboxone tooth decay.

These can include money spent on cavity fillings, oral surgeries, and teeth replacements like dentures or implants.

Economic damages also cover your medical bills and any work you miss due to dental treatments.

If suboxone has hurt your teeth, you might have paid a lot for dental care.

Some people with suboxone lawsuits are asking for between $50,000 and $150,000.

This is because fixing teeth is expensive and the problems from bad teeth can last a long time.

Non-Economic Damages

In Suboxone lawsuits, you can claim for more than just the cost of dental repairs.

Non-economic damages cover the hidden impacts of tooth decay from Suboxone.

These might include pain while eating or speaking, sensitivity to hot and cold foods, or trouble focusing on your job.

You may also suffer from mental health problems like anxiety or depression because of your dental issues.

These non-economic losses are a key part of your lawsuit’s value.

Lawyers work hard to show how Suboxone hurt your quality of life beyond money matters.

They aim to get you fair compensation for these invisible wounds that change how you live each day.

Your settlement could reflect the true extent of what you’ve been through due to Suboxone-related injuries.

Punitive Damages

Punitive damages can make a big difference in Suboxone lawsuit settlements.

They are special money awards to punish the defendant, not just pay for harm done.

Courts give these when they find really bad conduct by the drug makers.

For example, if a company knew their product could hurt people but hid it, that’s when punitive damages come into play.

Drug companies facing Suboxone lawsuits may have to pay extra because they’re accused of not caring about users’ safety.

These charges say they tricked doctors and played down Suboxone’s risks.

So if you’re filing a lawsuit, your settlement might be larger with punitive damages included.

Estimated Settlement Payout for Suboxone Lawsuits

In the landscape of Suboxone litigation, estimating settlement payouts hinges on a multitude of factors unique to each case.

Understanding this financial aspect is crucial for plaintiffs to gauge their potential compensation in these lawsuits.

Estimated Range of Settlement Payouts

Suboxone lawsuits might bring different amounts in settlements.

If you have tooth decay from Suboxone, your case could settle for about $55,000 to $200,000.

This range considers the money you spent on dental treatments and how the injury affected your life.

Some people going to trial may win even more.

A jury could award a plaintiff anywhere from half a million to one million dollars if their story moves them and they present strong evidence.

Keep in mind that every Suboxone lawsuit is unique.

Your settlement may vary based on the details of your situation and the skill of your suboxone lawyers.

Outside Factors That May Affect Settlement Value

Many things outside the court can change how much money you get from a Suboxone lawsuit.

The defendant’s actions often play a big role in this.

If Indivior, the maker of Suboxone, knew about the risks but didn’t tell people, that could lead to higher payouts.

This includes their history with marketing and changing their product.

Legal changes can also impact your settlement amount.

Lawsuits like these sometimes make new rules or changes in drug manufacturing laws happen.

If that goes on while your case is open, it might affect the final amount you get.

The way courts look at cases similar to yours matters too.

Big wins for plaintiffs can set an example that encourages others to settle for more money later on.

Your lawyer’s skill is another big factor.

A tough and smart product liability lawyer will fight hard to get you as much money as possible for what happened due to Suboxone tooth decay or other dental injuries.

Lastly, public opinion plays its part too – if many people see a problem with Suboxone and are talking about it, companies may pay more to solve lawsuits quickly and keep their reputation clean.

Suboxone Lawsuit Updates

Courts are seeing a steady stream of Suboxone cases.

People who suffered tooth decay after using the product are seeking justice.

Updates come often as each lawsuit moves through the legal process.

Some cases reach settlements while others may go to trial.

Keep an eye on the Northern District of Ohio, where many federal lawsuits are underway.

The judicial panel on multidistrict litigation might combine similar cases for more efficient handling.

This could speed up court procedures and lead to quicker settlements or decisions for those affected by Suboxone’s side effects.

Stay informed on these developments if you plan to file a lawsuit or have already done so.

Seeking Legal Assistance for a Suboxone Lawsuit

Determining the appropriate steps for a Suboxone lawsuit requires the expertise of a seasoned product liability lawyer, who can navigate the complexities of litigation and advocate fiercely on your behalf.

Importance of an Experienced Product Liability Lawyer

Hiring an experienced product liability lawyer matters a lot when you file a Suboxone lawsuit.

They know how to protect your right to a fair settlement.

These lawyers bring in expert witnesses and investigators who can strengthen your case.

They help show that Suboxone caused your dental problems.

A good lawyer makes sure all the needed paperwork for your claim is perfect.

The legal team takes care of filing everything on time.

This support helps you focus on getting better without worrying about legal details.

The #1 Suboxone Lawyer: TruLaw

TruLaw is a leader in securing product liability settlements, offering unmatched expertise to represent your claim.

Our extensive network of legal professionals excels in maximizing compensation in pharmaceutical litigations such as the ongoing Suboxone lawsuits.

If you or a loved one suffered severe tooth decay, worsening dental health, or dental injuries after taking Suboxone Sublingual Film, you may be eligible to seek compensation.

Use the chatbot on this page for a free and instant case evaluation to find out if you qualify to join others filing a Suboxone Lawsuit.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the Suboxone Tooth Decay Lawsuit?

    The Suboxone tooth decay lawsuit involves claims against the manufacturer Indivior, alleging that Suboxone, particularly its sublingual film, causes serious dental issues like tooth decay, cavities, and tooth loss.

    Plaintiffs argue that the manufacturer failed to provide adequate warnings about these risks.

  • Are There Multiple Suboxone Teeth Lawsuits?

    Yes, there are multiple lawsuits concerning Suboxone-related dental problems.

    These lawsuits claim that the prescription Suboxone film leads to significant dental issues, including tooth decay and oral infections, with plaintiffs seeking compensation for their damages.

  • What are the Withdrawal Symptoms Associated with Suboxone?

    Withdrawal symptoms from Suboxone can include nausea, muscle aches, insomnia, anxiety, and mood swings.

    These symptoms occur when an individual stops or reduces the use of Suboxone, a medication used for opioid addiction treatment.

  • What are the Final Suboxone Monopoly Lawsuits?

    The final Suboxone monopoly lawsuit refers to the settlement where Indivior was accused of antitrust violations.

    They allegedly delayed the introduction of cheaper generic Suboxone alternatives, leading to a settlement of $102.5 million with several U.S. states.

  • What is the Suboxone Class Action Lawsuit?

    The Suboxone class action lawsuit pertains to claims that the drug’s manufacturer engaged in practices that led consumers and health plans to overpay for Suboxone and its generic equivalents.

    This includes settlements with the FTC and a separate $30 million class action settlement over similar allegations.

Written By:
Jessie Paluch
Jessie Paluch

Experienced Attorney & Legal SaaS CEO

With over 25 years of legal experience, Jessie is an Illinois lawyer, a CPA, and a mother of three.  She spent the first decade of her career working as an international tax attorney at Deloitte.

In 2009, Jessie co-founded her own law firm with her husband – which has scaled to over 30 employees since its conception.

In 2016, Jessie founded TruLaw, which allows her to collaborate with attorneys and legal experts across the United States on a daily basis. This hypervaluable network of experts is what enables her to share reliable legal information with her readers!

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