Riverside Natural Foods of Canada announced an international recall of multiple lots and varieties of their MadeGood granola bars on Monday. According to the FDA, a manufacturing issue may have resulted in metal contamination in the products.
The recall applies to 12 varieties of MadeGood granola bars in various sizes, all distributed in the U.S., Canada, and in several other countries between the dates of January and November of 2024. See below for a list of the products involved:
- 34 oz. boxes of Chocolate Chip Granola Bars (UPCs: X002FK5HCF and 10687456216451)
- 53.55 oz. boxes of Chocolate Chip Granola Bars (UPC: 10687456216055)
- 5.1 oz. boxes of Chocolate Chip Granola Bars (UPC: 687456213057)
- 10.2 oz. boxes of Chocolate Chip Granola Bars (UPC: 687456214115)
- 20.4 oz. boxes of Chocolate Chip Granola Bars (UPC: 687456215587)
- 5.1 oz. boxes of Chocolate Chip Granola Bars (UPC: 00687456215792)
- 5.1 oz. boxes of Chocolate Banana Granola Bars (UPC: 687456213088)
- 34 oz. boxes of Mixed Berry Granola Bars (UPCs: X002FK87OZ and 10687456216475)
- 5.1 oz. boxes of Mixed Berry Granola Bars (UPCs: 687456213064 and 00687456215808)
- 30.6 oz. boxes of Strawberry Granola Bars (UPC: X00485O4XN)
- 5.1 oz. boxes of Strawberry Granola Bars (UPC: 687456215983)
- 30.6 oz. boxes of Cookies & Crème Granola Bars (UPC: X002H3FXVZ)
- 5.1 oz. boxes of Cookies & Crème Granola Bars (UPC: 687456213743)
- 12.6 oz. boxes of Halloween Chocolate Chip Granola Mini Bars (UPC: 687456216508)
- 25.5 oz. boxes of Chocolate Drizzled Birthday Cake Granola Bars (UPC: X002SSIRIF)
- 4.2 oz. boxes of Chocolate Drizzled Birthday Cake Granola Bars (UPC: 687456214160)
- 17 oz. boxes of Chocolate Drizzled Birthday Cake Granola Bars (UPC: 687456215594)
- 8.5 oz. boxes of Chocolate Drizzled Birthday Cake Granola Bars (UPC: 687456215709)
- 4.2 oz. boxes of Chocolate Drizzled Birthday Cake Granola Bars (UPC: 00687456215815)
- 4.2 oz. boxes of Chocolate Drizzled Cookie Crumble Granola Bars (UPC: 687456214177)
- 25.5 oz. boxes of Chocolate Drizzled Cookie Crumble Granola Bars (UPC: X002SSOR5H)
- 25.5 oz. boxes of Chocolate Drizzled Vanilla Granola Bars (UPC: X002SSNEF1)
- 10.5 oz. boxes of Holiday Sprinkles Chocolate Drizzled Granola Mini Bars (UPC: 687456214696)
- 25.5 oz. boxes of Chocolate Drizzled Vanilla Granola Bars (UPC: X002SSLE1R)
- 4.2 oz. boxes of Chocolate Drizzled Vanilla Granola Bars (UPC: 687456214153)
- 37 count box of MadeGood Variety Pack (UPC: X0043RL9KR)
- 7 count box of MadeGood Variety Pack (UPC: B079LY41VY)
The recall does not apply to all lots of each bar listed. Customers can go here to view the specific “Best By” dates for each of the recalled products on the company’s website. Consult the fourth column of the recall chart for the expiration dates that apply to each recalled item.
While no injuries have been reported thus far, Riverside Natural Foods warns that consumption of the recalled products could present a “safety hazard” for customers. The company has not specified the type of metal contamination that occurred, nor have they described the manufacturing defect that caused the potential contamination. On their website, the company refers to the risk of contamination as “very small” and characterizes the recall as “precautionary.”
The company says that they have located and corrected the source of the manufacturing problem that caused the potential contamination. Additionally, Riverside Natural Foods wishes to reassure the public that they have completed thorough testing to ensure that all processes and products going forward are safe.
Customers that have bought items included in the recall list can return them at the point of purchase for a full refund.
Anyone with questions or concerns about the recall can contact the MadeGood Consumer Hotline at 855-215-5695 (8am to 5pm, EST).
If you’ve suffered an illness or an adverse health outcome after consumption of a food product contaminated with metal, the legal team at TruLaw would like to hear your story and discuss how we might help you seek just compensation for the physical, emotional, and financial consequences you’ve faced. As you continue to focus on your recovery, reach out to our experienced attorneys today or try out our free Instant Case Evaluation ℠ to get started.