According to the FDA, Apna Wholesale Inc. initiated a recall earlier this month of their Paras Premium Golden Raisins. The company referenced undeclared sulfites as the reason for the recall.
Apna Wholesale made the announcement on Tuesday, January 7th. Both the 7-ounce and the 14-ounce packages of their Paras Premium Golden Raisins are included in the recall. The relevant Universal Products Codes are 818051014811 and 818051014828. The company has not provided expiration dates and lot numbers for the recalled products. Both the 7-ounce and 14-ounce products are sold in clear plastic packages with red and yellow trim. The label includes the brand and product names and claims to be a “symbol of purity” and to contain “100% premium quality.” Customers can locate the relevant UPC code alongside the bar code on the back of the package.
Customers may have purchased Paras Premium Golden Raisins at Apna Bazar Farmers Market retail stores in New York and Massachusetts. Just as the company has not shared the impacted expiration dates, they also have not referenced the distribution dates of the recalled raisins. Customers can assume that all lots of raisins are included in the recall.
Thus far, Apna Wholesale hasn’t received any reports of illness linked to the recalled product. They initiated the recall after the New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets Food Inspectors detected high levels of sulfites in Paras Premium Golden Raisins, which are not included in the ingredient list on the product label. According to Cleveland Clinic, 4 to 5% of people with asthma have a sulfite sensitivity or allergy. Consumption of sulfites for individuals with an allergy or sensitivity can cause asthma attacks, congestion, rash, and chest tightness. In some cases, an allergic reaction to sulfites can progress to anaphylaxis, which can be fatal without prompt treatment. Because such extreme reactions are possible, the FDA requires companies to indicate the presence of sulfites in food products.
Customers can return Paras Premium Golden Raisins at the point of purchase for a full refund.
Anyone with questions or concerns about the recall can contact Apna Wholesale Inc. at 516-807-4555.
If you or a family member are recovering from an allergic reaction after exposure to a packaged food product with an undeclared allergen, you could be owed compensation for your physical, emotional, and financial hardship. Our team can work with you on holding the liable party responsible for their negligence. Contact TruLaw or take our free Instant Case Evaluation ℠ to get started.