Concerns about possible salmonella contamination have led Gaines Pet Treats LLC to recall one lot of their Gaines Family Farmstead Chicken Strips. The FDA announced the recall Friday, November 22nd, on the heels of the company’s communication to consumers.
The recall applies only to the 5-ounce bag of Chicken Chips with the lot number 20061124 and an expiration date of 12/11/25. Gaines Pet Treats distributed the treats via online sales and to various storefronts in Alabama, Florida, and Georgia. The product comes in a purple, white, and black plastic bag that features the image of a chicken on the front. Customers can consult the back of the bag for the lot number and expiration date.
No injuries have been reported at this time in connection to the recalled dog treats. The company initiated the recall after a related lot of treats tested positive for Salmonella. That lot had not yet been distributed.
As explained by the FDA, Salmonella contamination in dog treats and dog food can pose a risk to both dogs and humans. Humans are primarily at risk from handling the product or from the contamination that can transfer to surfaces in the home. In healthy individuals, the illness is typically self-limiting. Symptoms might include “nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or bloody diarrhea, abdominal cramping and fever.” Very young children, the elderly, or people with compromised immune systems are at an increased risk for serious infection. Anyone with prolonged symptoms should contact a health care provider.
Symptoms of Salmonella infection in dogs might include fatigue, gastrointestinal upset and pain, bloody stool, loss of appetite, and fever. Dogs can transmit the infection to humans and other animals.
Gaines Pet Treats LLC advises customers who purchased the recalled product to refrain from using it and to contact the company immediately for a refund or replacement.
Customers can reach the company at Recall@GainesFamilyFarmstead.com to request a refund and to voice questions or concerns about the recall.
If you’ve suffered an illness or an adverse health outcome after consumption or handling of a food product contaminated with Salmonella, the legal team at TruLaw would like to hear your story and discuss how we might help you seek just compensation for the physical, emotional, and financial consequences you’ve faced. As you continue to focus on your recovery, reach out to our experienced attorneys today or try out our free Instant Case Evaluation ℠ to get started.