Dakota Tom’s Sandwiches out of South Dakota recently issued a voluntary recall of three of their sandwiches in response to a larger national recall involving one of the company’s suppliers. According to the FDA, possible contamination with Listeria monocytogenes is at the center of the recall.
The products impacted by Dakota Tom’s recall are the Pepperjack Cheeseburger (UPC 737296806008), the Bacon Cheeseburger (UPC 3729680300), and The Gambler (UPC 737296601788). All three sandwiches have a listed “Best By” date between 9/1/24 and 11/23/24 and were distributed to five states in the U.S., including SD, ND, MN, IA, and WY. The sandwiches are sold at grocery stores and convenience stores.
Consuming foods contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes can caused a variety of symptoms, including stomach upset, diarrhea, fever, musculoskeletal pain, and discomfort. The illness is only typically dangerous for pregnant women, young children, the elderly, and people who are immunocompromised. In pregnant women, infection by Listeria can cause miscarriage and sillbirth.
Dakota Tom’s Sandwiches has not yet received any reports of illness linked to consumption of their recalled sandwiches. The company explained that BrucePac supplied the patties for these three sandwiches. According to NPR, BrucePac recently recalled almost 12 million pounds of meat and poultry after federal inspections traced their meat to a lager, nationwide Listeria outbreak. Going forward, the company says they will not rely upon patties produced at the BrucePac facility implicated in the recent Listeria outbreak.
Dakota Tom advises consumers who have purchased the recalled sandwiches to discard them or return them at their point of purchase for a full refund.
Anyone with questions or concerns about the recall can contact Dakota Tom’s Sandwiches at 605-946-5123.
If you’ve suffered an illness or an adverse health outcome after consumption of a food product contaminated with Listeria, the legal team at TruLaw would like to hear your story and discuss how we might help you seek just compensation for the physical, emotional, and financial consequences you’ve faced. As you continue to focus on your recovery, reach out to our experienced attorneys today or try out our free Instant Case Evaluation ℠ to get started.